by Ethan Holmes | Jun 4, 2019 | Events
We participated in another successful Connecting for Children and Families “Make Tracks for Kids” 5K at Bryant University! Most of the staff joined the 5K while some of the staff worked the booth, giving out toys and other fun freebies to the children! As...
by Ethan Holmes | May 30, 2019 | Articles
Cybercriminals want one thing; information. After all, “information is power,” and what better way to get power than to steal sensitive information and hold it hostage? Ransomware is a common type of virus because it is highly profitable for cybercriminals. There are...
by Ethan Holmes | May 30, 2019 | Articles
By Ed Desorcy A record number of consumers and businesses are relying on a cloud backup model as their only form of data backup. Cloud backups offer seamless ease of use, fast deployment, scalability and low up-front costs, but how safe are they really? What is the...
by Ethan Holmes | May 15, 2019 | Articles
Many companies were started because someone asked an innocent question. The invention of the Polaroid Instamatic Camera was triggered by a question. The three-year-old daughter of the inventor, Edwin H. Land, asked her father after he took her photo, “Why do we have...
by Ethan Holmes | May 8, 2019 | Experts of the Month
In 1922, Reverend Cesare Schettini began leading two masses in the basement of the original St. Ann’s Church in Cranston. By 1925, Bishop William A. Hickey officially formed a separate parish for these Italian-speaking Catholics. With Father Schettini officially in...