RI: 401-522-5200 | MA: 508-618-5774 | CT: 860-370-4491

Great Questions Lead To Great Opportunities

Many companies were started because someone asked an innocent question. The invention of the Polaroid Instamatic Camera was triggered by a question. The three-year-old daughter of the inventor, Edwin H. Land, asked her father after he took her photo, “Why do we have...

How to Become A Pro At Spotting a Phishing Email

Written by Ed Desorcy As we’ve highlighted in our Scam School articles, phishing is one of the most common and successful attacks out there. Phishing is described as someone with malicious intent requesting a piece of information through email from a victim under the...

Leadership Is Lacking

James O’Toole, a professor and leadership expert once said, “95% of American managers today say the right thing … 5% actually do it.” On every front, poor leadership is destroying companies. Unnecessary turnover of employees and disengaged employees,...

Expect, Inspect, Correct

There are so many ways to say we made a mistake: botched, bungled, flubbed, mishandled, bumbled, misjudged, mucked up, fouled up, messed up, slipped up, goofed up and screwed up. In simple terms, an error has been made. As a leader, before you get upset at someone for...

Should You Let Your Browser Store Your Passwords?

Each website you visit should have its own, unique password. The average person has at least 10 online accounts—that means you could have 10 or more different login credentials! With all the passwords we must remember, any shortcut or way to simplify the log in...