We’re proud to announce that IT Support RI is now an InfraGard member! InfraGard is a nationally recognized program created by the FBI, with the objective to secure and protect critical infrastructure across the country.
As defined by InfraGard, critical infrastructure refers to the “assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.”
Through collaboration, InfraGard connects business owners and operators within critical infrastructure to the FBI, to provide education, information sharing, networking, and workshops on emerging technologies and threats.

InfraGard currently has over 50,000 vetted members, compromised of business executives, entrepreneurs, lawyers, security personnel, military and government officials, IT professionals, academia and state and local law enforcement. Every member is dedicated to contributing industry-specific insight while working to advance national security.
The IT sector is central to the nation’s security and safety as businesses, governments, academia, and private citizens are dependent upon IT and become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks.
The overall goal is to create and promote continuous dialogue and communication between members and the FBI. Through this partnership, both the FBI and private sector gain an improved understanding of the threatscape and share valuable intelligence.
To learn more about InfraGard and their mission to protect critical infrasture, visit www.InfraGard.org.
Cyber Security Experts
At IT Support RI, our expert cyber security consultants use a multi-level approach towards cyber security and preventive maintenance, we work to keep your business safe from outside attacks. With technology and threats constantly changing, it requires us to specialize in the intricate expertise of cyber security. Once you see how a lack of cyber security can harm your business, you can begin to protect it. All cyber threats can affect your network, intellectual property, and proprietary data (like customers and financials). Part of our cyber security plan is to work with you to properly protect your devices, network, and business.
Start enhancing your business network by requesting a free “Cyber Security Risk Assessment & Audit” from us.