Located at 181 Main Street in Blackstone MA, Chris Ryan is a second generation owner of the practice. His father started his law firm back in 1953. When his father could no longer run it, Chris took over and kept the family business going. Chris has been a lawyer for about 25 years, is a graduate from Providence College, and has a doctorate from the New England School of Law in Boston. With this background, other lawyers sometimes hire him for his expertise.
As a law firm, they specialize in a few areas including real estate, zoning & planning, business & corporate law, estate planning, and income taxes. As a master of his craft, he works predominantly with clients in Massachusetts. This is so he can hone in and specialize on these areas while keeping up on new rules and regulations as they change. With this and the personal attention to detail given to each case, Ryan Law Office has become a small, but very busy law firm.
“We do all our own work. I’m a very hands-on type of person and always have been. I’m into pretty much every file that we deal with,” says Ryan. “Everything we put out, we want to make sure it’s right and it’s what the people want. We have many very satisfied clients; then they tell their friends and they come see us. Because of this, we hardly need to advertise, the business just comes.” Ryan adds, “Also, I won’t let the quality go down so therefore, I am very particular when we take a case. We will try to estimate how long it will take to be done because we want it done 100% right with no mistakes. That is why we have our own quality control system in place. Everything is checked by at least 3 sets of eyes before it goes out. I don’t want anything wrong.”
In regards to what IT Support RI does for his office, he had this to say; “I cannot imagine not having a support system for our computer network. I don’t understand how these other lawyers go with no support. When they have a problem, they call around and try to find someone that might know what they’re doing. That’s the craziest thing I ever heard.” He also mentions, “I pay the money and I’m happy to pay it because I know if I need help, I pick up the phone and I know someone’s coming to help me out. That means everything.”
You can contact Ryan Law Office at 508-883-6000 and also online at www.ryanlawoffice.com.